
This form is used to report to ecclesiastical leaders and Church headquarters (Area Welfare Administration) the impact of the disaster and the response, needs, and ongoing efforts.

Emergency Response Supply Order Form

This form is used to order supplies from the Church that are needed for response projects. These supplies can supplement locally available supplies.

Humanitarian Project Request

This form is used to request material or financial support for community organizations responding to a disaster. Please send this form to Area Welfare Administration. For more information about how to manage community requests, visit our Community Interaction page.

Emergency Response Commodities—Food and Supplies

During an emergency, access to food and basic supplies may be limited. You can request commodities that are available from a bishops’ storehouse to support the needs of those affected by a disaster. Please contact Area Welfare Administration (801-240-0450) to obtain the commodity order form and determine the feasibility of providing commodities. To learn about emergency purchasing, visit the resources page.

Temporary Use Agreement

Form should be used for any organization using Church buildings

Work Crew Log

Use this log to record the work crew volunteer work hours and manage the assignment of work orders to crews. For more information about work crews, visit the Using Volunteers for Disaster Cleanup page.

Record of Donated Labor Hours

This form is to log hours donated by those helping with disaster response activities that are not part of cleanup work crews.

Assessment and Work Order

This form is used to assess the work needed on a particular home or property.

Parental or Guardian Permission and Medical Release

In order for youth (17 years and younger) to participate in disaster cleanup, obtain a signed release from a parent or guardian. This form gives them permission to participate in response activities. For more information about how to manage youth volunteers, refer to the “Notes regarding Volunteers” section of the Volunteers page.

Request of Certificate of Insurance

Occasionally a group may ask that the Church supply them with proof of insurance before beginning cleanup efforts. In that case, this online form can be submitted to request a certificate of insurance. For more information about managing insurance, go to the Insurance Explanation page.

Shelter Agreement between the American Red Cross and LDS Church

The Church has an existing memo of understanding with the American Red Cross, which includes a shelter agreement. The form contains the approval policies and guidelines for use of Church facilities.