Employer Pull Notice Program

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The Employer Pull Notice (EPN) program enables commercial and government organizations to monitor the driving records of employees who drive for them. By monitoring their employees’ driving records, organizations can:

How it Works

Each employer enrolled in the EPN program is assigned a requester code. The requester code is added to applicable employees’ driver’s license records. When an employee’s driver’s license record is updated due to an action or activity, we make an electronic check to determine if a pull notice is on file. If the action or activity is one that must be reported under the EPN program (see below), a driver’s record is generated and sent to the employer.

Who is Required to Enroll?

Employers must enroll any driver employed to operate any vehicle if:

These requirements include:

How to Enroll in the EPN Program and Request Records

Commercial and government employers have different steps for enrolling and requesting records:

Action and Activity Reports

Every year on the enrollment date, the EPN program automatically generates and sends a driver record when any of the following actions or activities occurs: