Getting started with HF ALE

For quite some time I’ve wanted to get a start in ALE in hopes of bringing the possibilities of the system to the channel & the blog. Being an Android and Linux user, the Windows only software PCALE, was an obvious obstacle & deal-breaker for some time. Still there is so much potential for robust grid-down, group comms, I simply had to bite the bullet, moving my primary comms laptop over to Windows/Linux dual-boot. This blog will provide all key bits of information, all in one place, to get you and your Yaesu FT-817ND (or other rig) up and running with PCALE. It will also provide some useful information for those new to ALE.

What is ALE?
Automatic Link Establishment, usually abbreviated ALE, is a standard for digitally initiating and sustaining radio communications on HF. ALE enables a station to make contact between itself, another station, or a group of stations, with the goal of providing rapid, reliable HF voice and messaging, despite unstable ionospheric propagation, reception interference, or congested HF channels. ALE also monitors, tests and logs the most/least reliability channels for facilitating contacts with other stations. The most comprehensive source of ALE information can be found at, but don’t head over just yet.

Most interesting ALE features.
ALE for ham radio, is like a battleship for rabbit hunting, so it’s important to point out the features which are critically important, then ignoring everything else!

Getting started
Getting started with ale can be a frustrating affair. There’s almost too much information on the net, much of it redundant, but it’s good info if you have a filter. I’ve picked through much of the relevant pages, and present only what is required to get you up and running. Everything else has been omitted!

PCALE Video Tutorial
One of my YouTube channel Buddies has produced an excellent instructional video video about PCALE. You can watch it at this link or view the video below

Signing up for the yahoo group is required to get access to the files with more importantly to the support forum. You can get access to that group here

This is a living document. It’ll be updsted from time to time.