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If you're a designer or a publisher, or even if your a hobbyist, there's going to be a situation sooner than later where you're going to want to have an image, color or other graphic print all the way to the edge of your final printed product. This is known in the creative & printing circles as a "bleed." In this article I'm going to show you how to add a bleed to any Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop document. So let's get started!

What is a Bleed?

A bleed is a color, photo or graphic that prints right up to the edge of the paper or other material. This is achieved by printing an image area larger than the final size, and trimming it back. Although there are some "borderless printers" on the consumer market, most of these are not practical for commercial applications, so the print and trim method is the current standard for borderless printing.

The good news is that setting up bleeds in Adobe's software is very easy, and I'll walk you through it step by step. Just jump down to the heading that matches the software you're using to setup your document.

Adding a Bleed in Adobe InDesign

In InDesign (and really any Adobe software), the best time to setup your bleeds is when you're first creating the document. Here's how you do it.

Creating a new document in Adobe InDesign

Setting up your bleeds in Adobe InDesign

The bleed and trim in Adobe InDesign

If you enter the Preview mode, you will see where your image or graphic will be trimmed.

Adding a Bleed in Adobe Illustrator

Adding a bleed to Adobe Illustrator

Setting up a bleed in Illustrator is pretty much the same as setting it up in InDesign, although the interface is a little bit different.

Adding a Bleed in Adobe Photoshop

Adding a bleed to a Photoshop document is a bit of a different story than Illustrator and InDesign. Since Photoshop is primarily a photo manipulation and editing software, it is not really designed for easily creating press-ready files on its own. The obvious intention is that you'll place your Photoshop document into InDesign or Illustrator to create your final print files. That being said, it is possible create a "bleed" in Photoshop. sort of.

Please note: using Photoshop the create press-ready files intended to bleed requires some coordination with your printer.