​​Creating a contract management plan

A contract management plan or Outcome Agreement Management Plan tracks the management of the contract and the relationship with the provider.

Using a plan is optional, particularly for low risk, low value, short engagements (less than NZ$50,000 in value and less than six months in duration). But we strongly encourage using a plan as part of good contract management practice.

Make sure you tailor your plan to the individual contract - the content and amount of detail will depend on the nature of the services, the clients and the contract.

The plan sets out:

If you are managing social services contracts, the Outcome Agreement Management Plan supports effective contract management.

Having a contract management plan ensures a smooth transition in case of a change in contract managers.


What to include in the plan

The plan is a living document - you should keep it updated throughout the contract.

If you decide you don't need a formal plan, we recommend you still complete and record the details below.

Administering the contract and managing the relationship

Service delivery requirements

Financial details