9 Strategies to better manage your time

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We want to complete everything important to us in a timely fashion. But sometimes, it doesn’t seem like there are enough hours in the day. Especially in this new normal , people feel the strain on time and seek effective time management strategies as they’re pulled in more directions than ever before.

Thankfully, good time management can help to make your days more efficient and effective. Essentially, it can help you feel like you have more hours in a day.

But for many of us, time management is an aspiration –– it’s something we’re all working to improve. And there’s no ideal solution for every person. So we provided a list of some actionable time management tips to boost your productivity as you find the right strategies that work for you.

Let’s explore effective time management and the skills necessary to use your time constructively in the long term.

What is time management?

Time management is the deliberate process of deciding how to use your time and allocating it across tasks and activities. With planning and control, effective time management enables you to do more of what is important to you while meeting your responsibilities and commitments.

Time management is certainly not a new concept.

From Henry Ford’s introduction of the assembly line to the current rainbow of organizational tools and apps, the modern age revolves around time.

As individuals, our time is a limited resource. We treat it like currency. We spend it, guard it, waste it, and trade it for value. Yet we struggle to control it.

We don’t have an easy solution to poor time management. And many factors cause it.

Let’s look at what we do know and dive into some new ways of viewing how we (and our teams) use time.

Why is effective time management important?

Doing more with less is a strategy that many companies encourage. Be it a smaller workforce, fewer resources, or leaner budgets. Many workers have experienced some type of “belt-tightening” in the last few years.

But doing more with less can also be a shorthand for understanding and executing priorities.

Time management is how you demonstrate your priorities and your ability to act on them.

Showing practical time management skills can be a way of demonstrating your worth to a company — worth that just might save your job or earn you a promotion.


Benefits of effective time management

Managing your time well comes with a long list of benefits. Let’s take a look at four of them.

1. More time to spend where you need (or want) it

Not to belabor the obvious, but if you’re using your time more effectively, you’ll free up time in the day or week. And here’s something that might not be so obvious: you don’t have to use that extra time to work. Time management lets you do more of what matters to you .

Try to create a better work-life balance for yourself . Head out for a walk, schedule a coffee with a friend or colleague, or take a class you’ve been curious to try. The choice is yours!

2. Ability to realize goals

Once you’re managing your time better, you can make goal-setting a part of your routine. Then you’ll get to experience the satisfaction that comes with accomplishing them regularly.

Plus, sharing the goals you’ve set and your achievement of them is a great way to earn kudos from your manager and the whole team.

If you aren’t sure where to start when building out your goals, try creating a personal vision statement . This declaration can act as a compass to help guide you in the right direction.

3. More growth opportunities

Do you want to gain a new skill at work? Are you ready to expand your reach into a new territory or be considered for a promotion?

Becoming a great leader and learning a new skill require time.

You’re more likely to be afforded these opportunities if you’re consistently seen as a good manager of your time.

4. Reduced stress

Perhaps the most significant benefit to using your time more efficiently is the potential to lower your stress . This could be finishing a project before it becomes a crisis, keeping your work hours at a reasonable amount, or even being able to carve out time for fulfilling activities.

These are all ways that an effective time management technique can help with stress and overall mental health .


Time management strategies and tips

Here are elements that can assist you in improving how you manage time:

  1. Create the right environment
  2. Prioritize
  3. Prioritize again
  4. Set some goals
  5. Build good habits
  6. Perform a time audit
  7. Create a stop-doing list
  8. Stop multitasking

1. Create the right environment.

Have a physical space that is organized, uncluttered, and convenient.

It can save you undue time searching for files or papers, shuffling unneeded materials out of the way, or even tracking down a paperclip. Taking some time to master your organizational skills will save you more time in the long run.

2. Prioritize

Deciding where to spend your time can be a task in itself. But by prioritizing upfront, you can get the urgent tasks out on time and the essential tasks completed as well.

3. Prioritize again

On the flip side of tackling the critical things is that you may also need to identify tasks or distractions that are neither urgent nor important.

Ask yourself: Does it need to be done by you? Can you delegate the task? Does it need to be done at all?

If the answer is no, take action to clear the decks (and your mind) to tackle the most important, pressing items first.


4. Set some goals

Charging ahead on a project — or a workweek — without setting goals is like zooming out of your driveway without knowing where you’re headed.

It may seem counterintuitive, but spending time on goal setting will likely save you time in the long run. It’s a concept known as “go slow to go fast.”

Try stepping up your organization skills so you clearly understand where you’re going and what will be most vital to help you get there. This consideration enables you to focus on what truly matters.

5. Build good habits

Some people prefer to plan the next day before they leave work, while others prefer to plan within the first 30 minutes of the day.

Some find it productive to block large chunks of time to think/write/design, while others work best in short sprints. The primary takeaway is to spend 5 minutes at the end of each day reflecting on what worked and what didn’t. This will help you understand what works best for you and your situation.

Once you figure out how you work best, stick with it. Build your habits into your workday to get the most out of your self-management skills.

6. Perform a time audit

Do you know where your workday goes? Are you confident in your perception of how you spend your time each day and week?

A time audit can be an illuminating activity to show you just how you are spending your time. You’ll learn what is consuming your days and where you might be able to claim some time back.

Does this feel like a risky activity? No one other than you needs to know that you’re auditing your own productivity.

7. Create a stop-doing list

If a to-do list hasn’t been effective for you, maybe you’ll benefit from flipping it on its side. A stop-doing list is an intentional look at the time wasters that you want to stop.

These could be in the form of a digital detox including social media scrolling and video watching, or even meetings that don’t pertain to your work. Being more intentional about the “don’ts” could help you concentrate more on the “dos.”

Block your time differently. With so much to accomplish, it might be tempting to separate your daily schedule into tightly structured blocks of time.

But it might be more effective if you round up your time estimates for each important task.

Add additional time (10–25%) to how long you think each task will take. Then, when the inevitable delay or glitch happens, you’re not automatically running behind.

This time management technique could be particularly useful for people who chronically overestimate how quickly they work or those who underestimate potential delays.

You can also create a weekly schedule to get a high-level overview of what you need to complete.

8. Stop multitasking

It’s a fallacy that highly effective people constantly juggle multiple minor tasks. Research has shown that multitasking hurts our performance and our well-being.

Ineffective multitasking could be keeping on top of emails while creating a slide deck. Or taking work calls during a commute.

You will be much more effective, move through your projects more quickly, and do far better work if you concentrate on one thing at a time.

Turn off your email and text notifications, mute your phone, and dig into the task at hand. It will pay off in both the short and the long run.


Time management skills

According to Erich C. Dierdorff , professor of management and entrepreneurship at the Richard H. Driehaus College of Business at DePaul University, it takes more than these activities to gain ownership of our time. There are three primary skills needed to implement the strategies listed above and gain long-lasting benefits from them:

Though these skills are often overlooked, Dierdorff states that they’re crucial to effective time management.

How to strengthen your time management skills

Strengthening these skills isn’t as straightforward as opening an app. But by investing your time in developing self-awareness, understanding your habits, and building new ones, you can increase your chances of managing time more effectively.

Develop self-awareness of your time management abilities

To improve your time management skills, you must first understand how you currently function. Building self-awareness around how you manage your time will set a baseline for you to improve upon.

Try the activities below to grow your awareness of how you manage your time: