Student Fees

Student Fees are paid by students and fund the services, facilities, and programs offered by many University department and offices such as Student Centers, Campus Health, and Wellness and Recreation. Recommendations for changes to student fees are approved by the Student Fee Review Committee, co-chaired by Vice Chancellor & Dean Dr. Doneka Scott and Student Senate President Stephen McGuinness. The committee receives student feedback via the Student Senate and presents recommendations to the Chancellor and Board of Trustees.


Explanation of Current Fees for FY(23-24)

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Proposed Fee Changes for FY 2024-2025

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Student Fee Review Process

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Student Fee Resources & Materials

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Explanation of Current Fees (FY23-24)

Required fees are used to fund the services, facilities and programs offered by many student-serving departments and offices.

Required Fees (FY23-24)

These rates are for full-time students, per academic year. Student fee rates are prorated for part-time students.

University Activities Board (UAB) – $19.63

This fee of $19.63 supports the UAB which is the main programming body for the campus which is responsible for acquiring, scheduling, publicizing, and presenting films, speakers, and special events.

Student Publications and Media Fee – $26.25

This fee of $26.25 is used to defray the cost of the various campus-wide student publications. At present these include two student newspapers, a yearbook, a radio station, and “The Windover” (a literary magazine).

Student Government Fee – $14.20

This fee of $14.20 is allocated to the Student Government for distribution to Campus organizations for activities, they deem, are in the best interest of the student body.

Student Legal Services Fee – $17.50

This fee of $17.50 funds the student legal services program which offers legal services to all students.

School (Student Association) Fee – $5.00/undergraduate & $17/graduate

This fee of $5.00 for undergraduates is used by the student body to support student activities of each of the various schools. For graduate students, this fee of $17.00 is used by the graduate student association to support graduate student activities.

Student Center Operations – $156.39

This fee of $156.39 supports the maintenance and operations of the Student Center facilities.

Student Center Repairs and Renovations – $47.80

This fee of $47.80 is used to maintain and upgrade the Talley Student Union, Price Music Center, Witherspoon Student Center and Thompson Theater.

Student Center Programming Fee – $240.70

This fee of $240.70 supports programming for the Student Centers and the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity.

Sustainability – $5.00

This fee of $5.00 will be used to promote sustainability and green ambassador efforts.

University Wellness and Recreation Fee – $175.50

This fee of $175.50 is used to defray the cost of operating and maintaining the intramural recreational sports program and other physical education programs.

Association of Student Governments – $1.00

This fee of $1.00 is charged for all UNC institutions to help finance the Association of Student Governments, a coalition of student leaders from across the state. To be used for administrative staff, travel and small stipends for student leaders.

Campus Security Fee – $60.00

This fee of $60.00 is used to assist in campus-based and UNC system-wide safety and new security initiatives, staffing and security measures. This fee was initiated and approved by the Board of Governors.

Intercollegiate Athletics Fee – $232.00

This fee of $232.00 is used in partial support of intercollegiate athletic programs.

Student Health Services Fee – $445.00

This fee of $445.00 is used by the University Health Center to offer medical and counseling services to students.

Education and Technology Fee – $439.28

This academic fee of $439.28 is used by colleges and schools to equip and operate computing and scientific laboratories which supplement classroom instruction.

Transit Operations Fee – $209.00

This fee of $209.00 partially funds the campus transit system.

Carmichael Complex – Indebtedness (expires FY2023) – $23.00

This $23.00 fee is pledged to support repairs and renovations of outdated equipment and facilities at Carmichael Complex.

Intercollegiate Athletics Indebtedness Fees (expires FY2027) – $96.00

This $96.00 fee is pledged to the Department of Athletics in support of facility improvements, renovations, repairs and maintenance.

Carmichael Complex – Expansion (expires FY2027) – $27.50

This fee of $27.50 is pledged to support the Locker Room Renovation and Fitness Center Expansion.

Student Center – Expansion (expires FY2036) – $260.00

This fee of $260.00 is pledged to support the renovation of the Student Center Buildings.

Carmichael Complex Addition and Renovation (expires FY2046) – $92.50

This $92.50 fee is pledged to support an addition of space with a renovation to the Carmichael Complex.

Total Required Fees – Undergraduate – $2,593.25

Total Required Fees – Graduate – $2,605.25

Major Specific Fees (rates per academic year)

COE Program Enhancement Fee – $1,500.00

Students enrolled in the College of Engineering (including the BE, BEA, BEE, BEM, BAE, BEP, TE and PSE) will be charged a COE Program Enhancement Fee. This fee is used for program and infrastructure improvements in the College of Engineering to ensure our engineering students are provided career-ready skills that continue to advantage them in the marketplace.

Professional Golf Management Fee – $700.00

This fee of $700.00 ensures access for students in the PGM program to partnering golf facilities for the use of their golf course and golf practice facilities.

Application Fees

Undergraduate Student Application Fee – Domestic

This fee of $85.00 is used to support costs necessary in the application process.

Undergraduate Student Application Fee – International

This fee of $100.00 is used to support costs necessary in the application process.

Graduate Student Application Fee – Domestic

This fee of $85.00 is used to support costs necessary in the application process.

Graduate Student Application Fee – International

This fee of $95.00 is used to support costs necessary in the application process.

Non Degree Studies Application Fee

This fee of $40.00 is used to support costs necessary in the application process.

Proposed Fee Changes for FY 2024-2025

Total fee change for FY24-25 is -($92.00)

The total student fees for both undergraduate and graduate students will decrease by $92.00 if the fee change proposals are approved.

FY 2024-2025 Student Fees Summary

The following proposals have been submitted for review (these proposals must be approved):

Total proposed fee increase from the above fees: $4.00

The following fees will be rolling off (these fees automatically expire and do not need to be approved):

Total fees expiring/rolling off: $96.00

Student Fee Review Process

There are two Student Fee Town Halls:

Wednesday, September 27th4:00 – 5:00 PM ETAgendaTalley 4251
Wednesday, October 4th7:30 -9:30 PM ETAgendaGovernance Chambers (Talley 4140)

The Student Fee Town Halls will occur during each respective meeting. The exact time of the Town Halls are subject to change.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NC State Will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. Direct accommodation requests for these Student Fees Town Halls to Student Senate President Stephen McGuinness at

Please note: These are public meetings.

Students Fees are vetted in the Student Senate:

Wednesday, September 27th – Student Senate Committee on Tuition & Fees4:00 – 5:00 PM ETAgendaTalley 4251
Wednesday, October 4th – Student Senate7:30 – 11:00 PM ETAgendaGovernance Chambers (Talley 4140)

The Student Fee Town Halls will occur during each respective meeting. The exact time of the Town Halls are subject to change.

Please note: These are public meetings.

Student Fees are also vetted in the University Student Fee Review Committee:

Thursday, September 14th1:00 – 2:00 PM ETAgenda
Wednesday, September 20th3:00 – 4:00 PM ETAgenda
Friday, October 5th11:00 – 12:00 AM ETAgenda
Please note: These are public meetings.

Recommendations are sent to the Chancellor: